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Best HTML books?


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I want to learn by books but I can't find a good book, all of them were made 5+ years ago so I fear they use old html instead of currents.
I wouldn't worry about, the HTML/XHTML drafts haven't been revised in over/nearly a decade.http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/What you should be looking for is something that promotes best practices (validation, cross browser compatibility without relying on hacks/conditionals, using proper DTD's) and focuses on combing well formed, semantic markup with proper usages of CSS. You may want to consider reading the tutorials to get an idea of what a reasonable expectation for a good book is, and then use that as the foundation for whatever book you pickup. Or, you could just get the w3schools books on HTML and CSS.As far a specific recommendation, the Head Start series is pretty popular.http://www.amazon.com/Head-First-HTML-CSS-...2953&sr=8-1
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