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SOLVED: foreach loops


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EDIT: Turns out it was some CodeIgniter specific stuff that I didn't fully understand.So I am having a problem with my foreach loop. $showStringArr is a property that holds an array of addresses.

foreach($this->showStringArr as $showLocation){				//now geocode each showLocation			$address = urlencode($showLocation);			$url = array("url"=>"http://tinygeocoder.com/create-api.php?q=$address");			$this->load->library('RemoteConnector', $url); //CodeIgniter syntax to load a class			$coord = $this->remoteconnector->__toString(); //CodeIgniter syntax to get the string contents of the remote file			echo $showLocation." | ".$coord."\n";}

My problem is that what comes out of that echo statement is each unique address, but the coordinates returned from the web service are all the same. The coordinates ouputed in $coord are all for the first address. Does this have something to do with the web service call taking longer than the foreach loop?

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