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Playing with Values from JS Rendered Menu Button!


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Again referring to YUI Menu Button: I need to use selected values, but you'll notice there are neither "id" tags in JS code nor option select fields like in a markup form, so I don't see how I'll use getElementById. I need to be able to use the values from both buttons, "size" and "temperament" to give a response back to user. How to do this? I'm not even sure my Submit button is working the way it would in a markup form, given that the JS rendered Menu button is really not in the form to begin with. Please help.

<script>//	Search for an element to place the Menu Button into via the //	Event utility's "onContentReady" methodYAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady("size", function () {	//	"click" event handler for each item in the Button's menu	var onMenuItemClick = function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {				var sText = p_oItem.cfg.getProperty("text");				YAHOO.log("[MenuItem Properties] text: " + sText + ", value: " + p_oItem.value);		   		oMenuButton1.set("label", sText);				};	//	Create an array of YAHOO.widget.MenuItem configuration properties	var aMenuButton1Menu = [		{ text: "Small < 30 lbs.", value: 1, onclick: { fn: onMenuItemClick } },		{ text: "Medium < 65 lbs.", value: 2, onclick: { fn: onMenuItemClick } },		{ text: "Large > 65 lbs.", value: 3, onclick: { fn: onMenuItemClick } }	];	//	Instantiate a Menu Button using the array of YAHOO.widget.MenuItem 	//	configuration properties as the value for the "menu"  	//	configuration attribute.	var oMenuButton1 = new YAHOO.widget.Button({ type: "menu", label: "Size", name: "menu1", menu: aMenuButton1Menu, container: this });});	   </script>

and form with submit button:

<form name="trait" method="post"><div id="submit"><input id="submitbutton1" type="submit" name="submitfield1" value="Process"></div>//note these refer to JS rendered button, so not really sure what good they're doing in form; values will have to come from the previous JS (above)<div id="temperament"><div id="size"></form><script>var oSubmitButton1 = new YAHOO.widget.Button("submitbutton1", { value: "submitbutton1value" });</script>

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