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Countdown Timer [php/javascript]


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Every 12 hours a user can vote and I have that part down, but I want to convert the seconds into hours, minutes, and seconds that updates every second so that it count downs from 12:00:00 to 00:00:00. I have $timeleft = 12 hours in seconds - $time where $time is how many seconds have past between now and the last time the user has voted.

<?phprequire('connect.php');$time = time();$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='c4ted");$fetch = mysql_fetch_array($query);$time = $time - $fetch['votetime'];$timeleft = (43200 - $time);echo "$timeleft <br />";if ($time>=43200){echo "good";}else	echo "bad";?>

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Try it with this:This goes to check_vote_time.php with script above:

$last_vote = $fetch['votetime'];$now = time();$last_vote_plus_12_hours = $last_vote+43200;$vote_again = $last_vote_plus_12_hours-$now;

It will result how many secs you must wait till vote.This goes to javascript file, or tags:

var ajax;ajax = (window.XMLHttpRequest) ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");if (!ajax) { alert("Error while creating page!"); }function get_vote_time() {  ajax.open("GET", "/check_vote_time.php", true);  ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {	if (ajax.readyState == 4) {	  document.getElementById("vote_time").innerHTML = ajax.responseText;	}  }  ajax.send(null);  setTimeout("get_vote_time()", 1000);}get_vote_time();

Also you must make some element, ex: div with id="vote_time"Hope this will work. Also, you can change var names. I wrote it like that to be more readable, and easy to understand.

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You can use basic math and the floor function to figure out how many hours/minutes/seconds are left. For example the number of hours would be:$hours = floor($timeleft/3600); //there are 3600 seconds in an hourThen subtract that from the time left to get the number of seconds left that don't make a full hour:$remaining = $timeleft - ($hours * 3600);And repeat the process for minutes and seconds.

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