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Chrome and Safari


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Hi all,Pretty new to web design and have created a site for a friend, great in firefox, i added another stylesheet for i.e.7 and one for i.e.8 and these look fine. The problem i have is i cant seem to add a stylesheet for chrome or safari which need minor alterations.Am i barking up the wrong tree with linking to a stylesheet or would it be better to go with javascript to find browser first?Any help on this would be great.ThanksOuji

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Generally, you try to fix the problems so that you don't need different stylesheets for individual browsers...

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Chrome and Safari generally behave much the same as Firefox in my experience. There are slight variations in text size, yet you can set the font size at a reasonable readable size and it should display well in all.If Chrome and Safari are very different, you perhaps need to look at your code rather than make adjustments for every browser.Mark.

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