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Assisstance required for pdf generation thru xsl

Guest friendzforever

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Guest friendzforever

Hello,I am trying to create a pdf using xsl where the background image is being used. I have set up the relative path as follows:-background-image = "url('rounded_corner_1.jpg')" I have placed the image in the same location as where the xsl is placed. But somehow I cannot see the background image when i put the the project onto the server. I think it is not taking the relative url of the image. I can’t directly put the http://localhost/tradeclubportal/rounded_corner_1.JPG in the xsl the server port number varies from the dev/test to production environment.Above piece of code works fine if i use absolute url. Can anyone please help in resolving this?Quick response is very much appreciated as i am having sleepless nights due to the stated issue.Thanks in advance!

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