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php question


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Hi,I found this webpage that uses php so that whatever is clicked on the page a toolbar stays at the top related to that service. I am not sure how this is being handle I tried to look for it online but I couldn't find anything. May be I am not looking for the right thing. I appreciate any comments where I can find how this is being done. Check the example to see exactly what I mean:http://ipshade.org/index.php?q=uggc%3A%2F%...j.tbbtyr.pbz%2FThanks in advance!Alexi

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That site is acting as a proxy, and when the page passes through its servers it appends some HTML to the page to display that toolbar.

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A lot of proxies exist so that users can surf anonymously and access blocked sites. Say you want to visit an online gambling site when you are at work. Your company router blocks all traffic trying to reach a huge list of sites that are off limits. If you go through the proxy, the proxy can get the site for you, and your company won't know.This site does extra stuff, and that is what the toolbar is for. Maybe your employer is really paranoid, and they examine all your cookies at night. This proxy prevents cookies if you want. And a few other things, too. You can even get rid of the tool bar.Basically, it's a site for people who want to keep their privacy in situations that want to strip their privacy. They consider it a service.---Now here's a thing you might imagine yourself doing. Say you enjoy 5 different blogs, and you want to create a page that displays the latest entries for each of those blogs. The problem is, in these cases, none of them uses syndication. You'll have to do this the hard way. So you write a PHP script that goes out and gets the contents of all five blogs. You program the script so it knows what HTML to look for, and it digs into each page for the text of the newest entry. It embeds only that text onto YOUR page. Zoom! You look like Yahoo News.

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