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Curious Problem - Case Statements and/or Variable Problems

Guest calebcassler

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Guest calebcassler

I am gathering data from a form that contains the following code

<form action="doreg.asp" method="get">    <input type="hidden" value="<% =programid %>" id="programid" name="programid">

Doreg.asp -

<%Dim programidDim subjectDim fromemailDim toemailDim messagebodyRequest.Querystring("programid") = programidSelect Case programid		Case "topfarmer"		Set regMail= CreateObject("CDO.Message")		regMail.Subject= "Top Farmer Registration Confirmation"		regMail.From= "xxx@xxx.com"		regMail.To= Request.QueryString("email")		regMail.HTMLBody = "Thank you for Registering"		regMail.Send		set regMail=nothing						Case "farmmngmt"				Set regMail= CreateObject("CDO.Message")		regMail.Subject= Request.QueryString("fname") & " " & Request.QueryString("lname") & " has registered for the xxx"		regMail.From= Request.QueryString("email")		regMail.To= "xxx@xxx.edu"		regMail.Bcc= ""		regMail.HTMLBody = "Test"		regMail.Send		set regMail=nothing					Case "landvalues"		Set regMail= CreateObject("CDO.Message")		regMail.Subject= Request.QueryString("fname") & " " & Request.QueryString("lname") & " has registered for the xxx"		regMail.From= Request.QueryString("email")		regMail.To= "xxx@xxx.edu"		regMail.Bcc= ""		regMail.HTMLBody = "Test"		regMail.Send		set regMail=nothing			Case else		Response.Redirect("error.asp")End SelectResponse.Redirect("confirmation.asp")%>

However whenever I do this it always goes to Case else whether or not the "programid" equals one of the other cases. If I manually change "Request.Querystring("programid") = programid" to just "programid = "landvalues" or one like that it works, which led me to believe the problem lied in the "Request.Querystring("programid") = programid" part, but I'm unsure what could be going wrong. The code is gathering all the other data correctly, why wouldn't it get "programid"?

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