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Mobile Browser Resolutions


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I am working on creating a mobile version of my site. I am currently testing it at a resolution of 320x480 using multiple browsers in an android virtual machine which is part of the Android SDK. After doing some searching here I did find the BlackBerry emulator as well. However I am wondering if this is a good minimum resolution to consider? With iPhones and Androids dominating the market these days have people started coding more for landscape mode?

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I am working on creating a mobile version of my site. I am currently testing it at a resolution of 320x480 using multiple browsers in an android virtual machine which is part of the Android SDK. After doing some searching here I did find the BlackBerry emulator as well. However I am wondering if this is a good minimum resolution to consider? With iPhones and Androids dominating the market these days have people started coding more for landscape mode?
You can adjust your sites design accordingly with media queries and the viewport meta.Before you proceed in your endeavor, I recommend you read some of the articles on quirksmode.http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/viewports.htmlhttp://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/viewports2.html
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Dilated, thanks for your response, however, some things just wont work using media queries and the viewport meta if my thinking is correct. This is why I am trying to find a base resolution to work with. For example, right now I am trying to figure out how I want to set up a navigation menu. Say I use tabs like this:12916869.jpgThis works great for 2 tabs, but then if I have 5 tabs, it may fit well on an iPhone 4 in portrait mode, but on my Motorola Backflip which has a smaller screen, all 5 tabs may not show up in portrait mode, and it again it may fit on a Blackberry Torch, but not a Blackberry Bold. So I think it is best to have a general resolution in mind to work with.Another example, if I need to imply a cut name function on thread titles, isn't it best to have a resolution in mind to consider the maximum amount of characters to show?Am I that wrong to assume keeping a certain base resolution in mind for certain aspects of the site is useful?

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You should try to make your website resolution-independent, so that it always remains the same physical size no matter how low the pixel density is. Also, you should make your website fluid, so that is the viewport is too narrow, physically, then the tabs will get smaller, or flow onto a second line. There are infinite possible resolutions, and it is inpractical to try to assume - by making your site resolution-independent you won't need to worry about it.

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