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Browser limit


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Hello I have an XML of about 200KB fetched trough ajax and parsed with an XSLT. The problem is when I parse each node without recursiveness (simply xsl:for-each select="//mynode") it works fine, but whem i do it with apply template for child nodes, to keep the tree structure, id doesn't show anything not even the static xslt data(html code not from XML). I tried with the try it yourself editor step by step by adding branch nodes, and worked ....for a few level but after that: nada, niente, nix...in other words it doesn't work. Tried diferent nodes, even repeated nodes, same result after say 5 depth levels it stops. Why doesn't it crash when I do the non recursive parse, does the program heap fill? Is there a way to call recursive parse so that it doesn't crash? In editix2010 IT DOES ALL THE PARSING NO CRASH NO ERROR!! I'm leaving work now so I can't get the sources... so until next time maibe someone else encountered the problem. Thanks!

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A recursion generally involves the use of a call stack for each depth level, which in turn means memory can quickly run out if each stack level has a lot of stuff going for it.In a loop, at the end of each iteration, the previous context is discarded, so the memory runs out less quickly.If your XML followed a structure in which a single for-each is replaced by a single apply-templates, there should be no difference. However, if you use apply-templates for the sake of recursion (one apply-templates replaces a few for-each elements), that takes up memory... a little too much memory in the case of browsers it seems. I'm guessing that's because the browser has more responsibilities than an XSLT processor in an editor or a server scripting language (i.e. it needs to update many things in the JavaScript engine and browser add-ons).There are several ways out of this situation, but none is perfect - increase your (clients') RAM (definetly a bad idea), use a server side XSLT processor (assuming you have enough RAM there and are OK with giving clients only the resulting document), keep using for-each (acceptable if that's the way your XML is made for; bad idea in other scenarios).

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would it be ok if i strip the xml of the data just keep the id to build the tree and then fatten the tree with data via js? Do i need another stripped down xml or the xslt simplicity do, I can't try it miself right now since i don't have the means to replicate the data?ex:xslt:...<xsl:template match="/"><html><body><xsl:for-each select="root/node"><xsl:apply-templates select="."/></xsl:for-each></body></html></xsl:template><xsl:template match="node"><div><xsl:attribute name="id"> <xsl:value-of select="id"/></xsl:attribute><xsl:apply-templates select="node"/></div>...xml:<root><node><id>x</id><data>sdadsadads</data> <node> <id>x</id> <data>sdadsadads</data> <node> <id>x</id> <data>sdadsadads</data> .....N levels.... </node> </node></node><node><id>x</id><data>sdadsadads</data></node></root>

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And you're saying the ONLY replacement you're doing is the main for-each, and you're already reaching the limit?!?This can only mean memory leak in whichever browser you're using. The only solution, short of keep using for-each, is to use a server side XSLT processor. The reason your editor didn't fail is because the XSLT processor it's using doesn't have this memory leak.

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