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routing damain:port to domain

DJ Cornbread

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What i am trying to accomplish is having multiple servers for the same site.net where multiple ports are needed for all services, while the end user only see's the service.site.netcurrent setup computer1: remote connect to server to make changescomputer2: site.net + test.site.net + e-mail + ftp + profile/personal homepageswanted setupcomputer 1: test.site.net (webpages only)port 50501computer 2: site.net (main website port 80) +mail.site.net (port 52 i think)computer 3: ftp.site.net (port 8080) +dj('s name).site.net (ports 50502-50601) each port hosts a shoutserver instancei would like to have the end user to be able to type http://djcornbread.site.net instead of site.net:50502(current)each instance of shout requires a new port address.along with my ftp and mail to work correctly they need alternative portsi can currently set my router to only forward requests by port.all work if i link internally with http://site.com:8080the reason i would like to know this is in the future i would like the subdomains to be hosted by several different computers behind a router.. each port forwarded to a different machine like is site.net192.168.0.3:81 is sub.site.net192.168.0.4:82 is mail.site.netect (i know 81-2 is not valid just an example)basically to make a direct path to the correct computer without re-routing (from a link or otherwise) to reduce the load on any one machine i currently know how to create subdomains on the same machine and use them

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Here's a few guidelines to determine for youself how you should proceed:- The port is always defined by the client, either implicitly or explicitly. "http://" defines implicitly port 80, while ":##" defines "##" as a port explicitly.- Your DNS server can determine a (sub)domain name (a.k.a. hostname) to IP translation. No port involved!!! (that's a big thing for most people to wrap their head around)- The entered (sub)domain name (a.k.a. hostname) is copied by the client within the HTTP request it makes over a certain previously determined (via DNS and the URL) IP:port combo.- A powerful router (MikroTik or Cisco for example) can do the so called "NAT" in which case packets from and/or to a certain IP:port combo can be passed to another IP:port combo.- On the computer that will serve as a web server, you can set up your web server program to listen for requests coming on a specific IP:port combo which your server computer has. Every device (be it a router, DNS or your server) can have more than one IP address if needed for whatever reason.- Requests coming in to the web server can be dealt with based on the IP:port combo they came from, but can also be dealth with based on the hostname that was copied to the HTTP request.Similar with email, only the configuration is done in the mail server application, and a separate DNS entry can be defined for emails.With FTP on the other hand, only dealings based on IP:port cobos are possible. Other than that, you can always deal based on the username and password supplied, but that's not exactly "hostname" dealing... unless perhaps the username features the hostname (which is how IIS' FTP server does it).For what you're trying to do in the future, you can configure each hostname-to-IP translation in the DNS, and simply always use the default port. Alternatively (or in addition to that) you can have several public IP addresses on a router behind which are all servers. If you ever need to redirect a certain hostname to another computer but don't want to change the port, you can add a public IP and alter the DNS entry accordingly instead.

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so, in a nutshellsite.com is alsways == != other than 80site.com:port is the only way to use port:ipi would have figured that it may be easier/faster having the dns capable of combining ip/port into a single name from wan to lan. wan->router->server->back out vs wan->router->server->other server->back outi guess that's where the nat comes in then..?ok so i will have to deal with ports for streams.i have a 1 in and 4 out netgear and 2 windows based computers, how would i go about having 2 behind a router on the same ip/port? a link to a detailed description probably would be best. (i do look things up first and all previous results did not work(repeated over and over) or were pay to view)first use of the site webpage+dj's profiles secondary use is to serve up files to djs @ an event (some of them use drives that cannot possibly hold all the video/audio as the current database can and be redundant at the same time) tertiary use would be hosting shout servers (for apparent reasons)

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ive been trying to figure this out on my own.... but... im sure you yourself know... there is alot of b.s. out there to sort through... lol mabe one day w3 will do with networking like the've done with html, php, ect...
OOH the agony! after a ton of research i finally figured it out on my own.... it can be done (in a pseudo manner)once i am done configuring the whole site i will link it here for example....in this way i can have multiple computers on different ip:port serving the same .com with different services and no port shown without that $300 router... a duct tape fixes everything approach prolly...
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