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Multibyte String Module - Character Encoding


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Problem: When I run the following code in my current operating environment only two character encoding possibilities are returned -- namely, ASCII and UTF-8. Certainly my operating system is capable of processing many more. Similarly, when I enter JSIS as the $encoding parameter for the mb_internal_encoding() function, I am confronted with an error message telling me that JSIS does not exist.Question: How does one go about introducing the many more available encoding possibilities indicated at mb_detect_order: UTF-8, UTF-7, ASCII, EUC-JP,SJIS, eucJP-win, SJIS-win, JIS, ISO-2022-JP.

foreach(mb_detect_order() as $encoding) {	echo $encoding; echo '<br />';}


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Are you sure JSIS is what you're looking for, and not SJIS?
<?php	mb_internal_encoding('SJIS');	mb_http_output('SJIS');	ob_start('mb_output_handler');?><?php	$str = 'こんにちは';echo mb_detect_encoding($str); echo '<br />';						//UTF-8	$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'SJIS','UTF-8');	var_dump($str); echo '<br />';	var_dump(mb_detect_order());?>

The above set of code renders the UTF-8 encoded Japanese assigned to $str appropriately, but when the mb_detect_order() function is called, SJIS does not appear in the list.Roddy

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