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About gmail.com ...


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Hi every one ...I was looking the source code of the Gmail.com page, and I realized tha uses many tecniques that are not recommended nowadays. For example:

  • Uses tables for layout
  • Uses many HTML atributes in his <body> tag that have been replaced for CSS properties (like bgcolor, link, vlink) ...
  • Uses widely the <br> tag to insert line breaks (I would use margins instead)

Because I know that Google's enginners are all but newbies, I wonder why they keep using those old tecniques. Google.com also uses these tecniques and names its CSS' styles using meaningless names (like cb1, lsb ...)I hope you can help understand why this kind of tecniques is still used by a distinguished company as Google is.Bye !!

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I don't see any table elements (well, one, but it's empty), deprecated attributes, or superfluous break tags in the source code of the Gmail page that loads for me. Keep in mind that different versions of the site may be loaded for different people, for example if you have an old browser, or selected the "basic HTML" version. The "basic HTML" version does indeed have the features you speak of - this is most likely to maintain compatibility with really old browsers, such as which may need to use the "basic HTML" version.The meaningless class names are probably to make the document smaller (the same reason why they have no line breaks, and minified JavaScript).

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Yea, I think you're right, compatility issues are the main reasons for this HTML structure ... In the other hand, my gmail.com version uses some tables for layout.gmailo.jpghttp://img835.imageshack.us/img835/5987/gmailo.jpgThere're also some tables in google.com that I found them using Firefinder with Firebug on Firefox. CSS 1 was introduced on 1996, wich included float properties for layout, so I think the use of tables for this porpouse is unjustifiable.Thanks, bye!!

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