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Page number for sections in XSL-FO


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Hello,I have an XML with two different datasets. I am planning to print these data into two tables. When I print the first data using a for-each loop it prints the in 3 pages and the same applicable to second dataset. So my PDF is seven pages including the cover page.I could successfully print the page number using page number citation object. I am looking for an option to get the sheet number for individual tables. For example though the page number for first table starts at 2 (of 7), the sheet number should be 1 (of 3) since the first table prints data only in 3 pages. Similarly for the second data set also.Regards,Sudhin

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use two different page masters, one for each table.
Thank you John, but here is the issue if I use two page masters. Since my requirement is to display two different page number series in single page, (for example, if the Table of content page starts at the second page and the PDF document has total 10 pages, the page number in the Table of contents page should print as "sheet number 1 of 3" but page number would be 2 of 10) whenever I use <fo:page-sequence master-reference="toc" initial-page-number="1">, the page sequence resets. How can this be handled?
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