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Running total of price in array


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I am populating an array with product details, each product has a price. I have tried to create a loop to add the price of each product to create a grandtotal but I am having difficulties

               $total=$item['qty'] * $item['price'];//multiples the quantity by price to get total price               while ($total)				{					$grandTotal = $grandTotal + $total;				}              echo $grandTotal;      

Any ideas?

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how is your $item array structure? how the data of $item are represented? showing us the full code will be more helpfull i think.

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This is the array code

if (!isset($_SESSION['SHOPPING_CART'])){ $_SESSION['SHOPPING_CART'] = array(); }//Add an item only if we have the threee required pices of information: name, price, qtyif (isset($_GET['add']) && isset($_GET['price']) && isset($_GET['qty'])){	//Adding an Item	//Store it in a Array	$ITEM = array(		//Item name				'name' => $_GET['add'], 		//Item Price		'price' => $_GET['price'], 		//Qty wanted of item		'qty' => $_GET['qty']				);	//Add this item to the shopping cart	$_SESSION['SHOPPING_CART'][] =  $ITEM;	//Clear the URL variables	header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);}

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if i understand your purpose... you are going to calculate multiple items total price ($grandtotal). i think you need a 2D array..to do so. assuming grandtotal means the whole total price of all item.eg.

where $items[0] is a item. which has fixed price and quantity.and you want to calculate total of each item. right?then you should use foreach loop (foreach is good to iterate through a array) iterate through $items to get each $item take price and quantity of each item, calculate the total of item. and add each total price of each item to manupulate grandtotal..
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