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Math.random -- don't want random


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If it works, it works. Experienced programmers won't do it that way because it's not scalable. If you suddenly decided to add 15 quotes to your array, you'd have to add 15 new functions . . . If you can get the other code working, all you would have to do is change the array. The code will still work.

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Yeah that's what I'm kind of worried about because as we continue to make sales we will continue to get testimonials that we will want to use on our website.. Would you mind posting the updated code that worked for you and I will try to figure out how to get it to work on our website? Sorry for being such a bother.. :P

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This is mostly thescientist's code with a few corrections and tweaks. Tested in FF and Chrome. Note: there are a few places where a seasoned developer might combine a few statements.

<html><head>  <title>Text Slideshow in javascript</title>  <style type="text/css">  #quotation{	margin: 0px 20px;	padding-top: 20px;	font-size: 1.1em;	font-style: italic;  }  </style>  <script type="text/javascript">	var slideArray = new Array();	slideArray[0]= "One";	slideArray[1]= "Two";	slideArray[2]= "Three";	var arrayLength = slideArray.length;  //equals 3	var currentIndex = arrayLength;	   //will also equals 3  	function display(){	   var quoteEle= document.getElementById('quotation');	   currentIndex++;  //increments the value of currentIndex by 1, i.e. currentIndex = currentIndex + 1	   if(currentIndex >= arrayLength){  //wraps if currentIndex goes "out of bounds"		 currentIndex = 0;	   };	   var quote = slideArray[currentIndex];   //gets a quote at the index specified by currentIndex's value	   quoteEle.innerHTML = quote;	   setTimeout(display, 5000);	 }	 window.onload = display;  </script>  </head><body><div id="div_display">  <p id="quotation"></p></div></body></html>

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