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jQueryUI draggables: revert removes draggability


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I have this HTML:

	<div class="one">		<div class="box"><p>I am a box</p></div>		<div class="box"><p>I am a box</p></div>		<div class="box"><p>I am a box</p></div>		<div class="box"><p>I am a box</p></div>		<div class="box"><p>I am a box</p></div>		<div class="box"><p>I am a box</p></div>	</div>	<div class="two"></div>

This CSS:

	div.one	{		border: 1px solid black;		float: right;		min-height: 200px;		width: 45%;	}	div.two	{		border: 1px solid black;		float: left;		min-height: 200px;		width: 45%;	}	div.box	{		border: 1px solid black;		float: left;		height: 40px;		margin: 5px;		padding: 5px;		width: 40px;	}

And this Javascript/jQuery:

	$(document).ready(function()			{				$("div.box").draggable({					appendTo: "body",					helper: "clone",					revert: "invalid"				});			}	);

When I drag a .box, the above code will always revert it, as there's no valid placement yet. When the box is reverted, however, the ui-draggable class is removed, and the box can no longer be dragged. I'm using jQuery 1.5 and jQuery UI 1.8.4, but I tried it with the Google API's jQueryUI 1.8.12 and got the same issue.Is there something I've done wrong?

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