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Classic Kill Last Comma In Loop


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Hey all!So I need to kill the last comma in this simple loop.It looks like: LatLng(40.713, -73.946), LatLng(40.713, -73.946), but needs to looks likeLatLng(40.713, -73.946), LatLng(40.713, -73.946)The comma is outside the variable $location which might make this more difficult. My code breaks if that last comma is inputed. I am inputing values inside of a javascript function.<?php $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM location ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 2") or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) { $latitude = $info['latitude']; $longitude = $info['longitude']; $location = $latitude .", ". $longitude; echo 'LatLng('.$location.'), ';} ?>Any help would be great thanks so much!

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you can use strrpos() to get the last occurance of the character. and then you can use substr() to extract the partial string

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Or what I prefer to do in situations like this is to save your output to a string first. Then you can check if it's empty, and if it's not, add your comma. So something like this:

$str = ''; //Initialize it to an empty stringwhile ($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) {      ....      //Check if the string already has text in it, and if so, add a comma   if ($str != '') {	  $str.=', ';   }      //Add the data to the string   $str.='LatLng('.$location.')';}//Now output the stringecho $str;

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Preg_Replace Is One Of The Good Method For That.If You Are Using While? Then First Add Comma Then Set ValuesSo In The End Your Output Will Look Like This: , abc, def, ghiThen in the end just use preg_replace();e.g:$result = ', abc, def, ghi';print preg_replace('/, /', '', $result, 1);This will replace just one first comma. Because we used value 1 in the end of preg_replace() command.Hope u understand.This will help in future :)

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