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+ operator explanation


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I am trying to make a firefox extension using the mozilla APIs.Here is a a piece of code that i can understand where the + operator is useful to exactly:

var item = contextMenu.Item({ label: "xxxxxxxxx", context: contextMenu.SelectionContext(), contentScript: 'on("click", function () {'+'alert("Item clicked!");'+'});'});
I am trying to make a context menu appear upon selection of a text from a webpage.I do understand the code in general, but i cannot understand what the + operator is doing there.From what i know + is used to add numbers and to join strings.So what is doing there? Explanations(as always) are welcome.Thanks.
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In that particular example, there's no reason for it to be there. Might as well just do this:contentScript: 'on("click", function () {alert("Item clicked!");});'You might see people using that if the string goes across several lines:

contentScript: 'on("click", function () {' +				'alert("Item clicked!");' +				'});'

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From what i know + is used to add numbers and to join strings.
And that's exactly what it's doing:contentScript: 'on("click", function () {' + 'alert("Item clicked!");' + '});'EDIT:...But like JSG said, in this case it really serves no purpose.
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You were right, thanks.

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