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I want to submit a second form


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I have the code below (taken from w3 and expanded by me), and I am trying to submit 2 forms when the userpresses submit with different lastnames, but I cant do it. Any ideas?<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function second() { document.getElementById("a").value="duck"; document.forms["f"].submit(); } function preventDef(event) { event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById("a").value="minnie"; document.forms["f"].submit(); var t=setTimeout('second()',3000); } </script></head><body><form id="f" name="input" action="html_form_action.asp" method="get">First name: <input type="text" name="FirstName" value="Mickey" /><br />Last name: <input id="a" type="text" name="LastName" value="Mouse" /><br /><input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="preventDef(event)" /></form> <p>If you click the "Submit" button, the form-data will be sent to a page called "html_form_action.asp".</p></body></html>

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You can only send one form at a time. Once the form is sent, the user leaves the page. You can manipulate the page that processes the form data so that it can take more information.

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You can only send one form at a time. Once the form is sent, the user leaves the page. You can manipulate the page that processes the form data so that it can take more information.
thanks for the reply. But since the form is sent to a server, doesnt that mean that I cant manipulate that page?
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If you want to send data to the server that is not visible to the user, consider adding an input of type="hidden". If you need to, you can change the value of any hidden inputs before you submit the form.

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If you really, really need a the same script to run 2 times with different data, consider using AJAX instead of a traditional form submission. (But it is hard to imagine why you would really need to do this.)

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it seems like it would just be easier to write the server side script to handle any data manipulation/duplication, etc...

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