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table or div


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I am building a web application where the user must choose from hourly time slots.For example, one time slot is 12:00-13:00, another is 13:00-14:00.Given the fact that there will be at least 10(hour ) time slots, is it maybe better to choose a table instead of a div as a layout component?Tables belong to the past but i was wondering if in cases like the above they still are the preferred solutionWhat is your opinion?

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There's nothing wrong with tables, they are what should be used for tabular data. For example a calendar, or say a spreadsheet where it makes sense to organise data into columns. The use of table headings <th> and columns <td> is the most descriptive and semantically correct way to show this information and shows the relationships of the data. However if you are trying to layout different sections of a page then divs are the better choice. Or if you are creating a list it's better to use an ordered or unordered list rather than a table. Basically use whichever html tag best describes the content being marked up.

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