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Google Js3 Map Resource


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I have to use google maps frequently so I made something simple to suit my purposes but it's a good base and should be easy to change styles for whatever you need. Thought I'd go ahead and post this. Enjoy! Sample Code:

<?php							  							   // Irrelevant to GoogleJSMap							   $Community = new Controller("community", 1, null, true);			// Supply API Key		  							   $Map = new GoogleJSMap("ABQIAAAAQbKvZ2Jzb7p-l2D0EJ2NhRQJg3pYlbY33RHuh3LyS3s0-mZYuRT0eR665Q5h9HAbVnVyM05l0GLp2Q");							  							   // Irrelevant to GoogleJSMap			$str = $Community->get("address") . "+" . $Community->get("city") . "+" . $Community->get("state") . "+" . $Community->get("zip");		  			// Address array has 4 possible assoc keys							   //							   // address - required							   // name - optional							   // text - optional							   // image - optional							   //							   // The name, text, and image produce something a bit ugly. Should be easy for							   //  you to style if you need to.							   $address = array("address" => $str);		  			// Add as many locations as you want. Code automatically centers over them							  							   $Map->addLocation($address);							  							   // Print JS							   echo $Map->getJS();							  							   // Print map canvas. Width: 700px | Height: 525px							   echo $Map->getCanvas(700, 525);							  ?>

Object Code:

<?php//Written by Micah Williamson  class GoogleJSMap{  private $key;  private $canvasId;  private $centerLat;  private $centerLong;  private $locations;   function __construct($key)  {   $this->key = $key;   $this->canvasId = md5(rand(0,999999999999999));     $this->centerLat = 0;   $this->centerLong = 0;  }   //Modifiers   function addLocation($arr)  {   $this->locations[] = $arr;  }   //Helpers   function getCanvas($width, $height)  {   return "<div onload='window.initialize()' id='{$this->canvasId}' style='width:{$width}px; height:{$height}px;'></div>";  }   function getJS()  {   $out = "	<script type='text/javascript' src='http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false'></script>	<script type='text/javascript'>		 function initialize()	 {	  geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();		var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng({$this->centerLat}, {$this->centerLong});		var myOptions =		{		  zoom: 4,		  center: latlng,		  scrollwheel: false,		  mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP		};		var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(\"{$this->canvasId}\"),			myOptions);		  		contentString = 'test';		  		infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow		({		  content: contentString		});	  		bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();		  ";		 $i = 0;	 foreach($this->locations as $location)   {	$address = $location["address"];	$image = $location["image"];	$text = $location["text"];	$name = $location["name"];	$this->locations[$i]["id"] =  $randId = md5(rand(0,999999999999999));  	$i++;    	$out .= "		 var address = '$address';				 geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status)		 {			if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK)			{			  map.setCenter(results[0].geometry.location);			  var marker = new google.maps.Marker			  ({				  map: map,				  title: '$name',				  id: '$randId',				  position: results[0].geometry.location			  });						  latLong = new google.maps.LatLng(results[0].geometry.location.Pa, results[0].geometry.location.Qa);			  bounds.extend(latLong);						 google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseover', function()		   {			infowindow.content = document.getElementById(marker.id).innerHTML;			infowindow.open(map,marker);		   });			}  	   });	  	   map.fitBounds(bounds);	";   }     $out .= " } // End initialize	   window.onload = function(){initialize();}	  </script>";	   $out .= "<div style='display: none;'>";     foreach($this->locations as $location)   {	$address = $location["address"];	$image = $location["image"];	$text = $location["text"];	$name = $location["name"];	$randId = $location["id"];  	if($image != null)	 $image = "<br/><br/><img style='max-width: 200px; max-height: 100px;' src='$image'/>";		if($text != null)	 $text = "<br/><br/>$text";  	$out .= "<div id='$randId'>	   <b>$name</b><br/>	   Address: $address	   $image	   $text	   </div>";   }     $out .= "</div>";		 return $out;  }}?>

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