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Difficult To Tackle Css Issue


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Go here at this site http://www.hellenicastrology.gr In the bottom, below the sitemap and the designer's name, you will see a big white area, something i want to remove, i do not want it to be there. The gap is created because many elements in the site are positioned relative, and i used that...well use firebug and if you play with the positioning you will see that gaps are created between elements. #whole_sitem has for example bottom:74px, if i remove it the gap below it leaves but another gap is created between #whole_sitem and #all. The gaps are not real of course,(to they look like real of course) they are created by the drop shadows i have placed in various elements. So,resuming, these shadows push down elements, in order to fix this i must position the elements, and the(negative) result is the gap created in the bottom of the page. I hope we can find a solution to it, sorry for the lengthy explanation.

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I did notice Firefox does that with shadows, I don't know how many other browsers do. You could apply a negative top margin to the element that follows the box in order to correct it.

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Negative margin top seems to work till a point. A problem arises when I go to apply negative top margin in the footer/sitemap, that is, #whole_sitem, the element goes up many pixels andi cannot figure out why. Do that in firebug and see what i am talking about. I messed the code and i cannot understand what is wrong.Regarding the shadows you mention.I created some shadows in Fireworks, so in order to accommodate these, i increased the dimensions of the elementsthat have such shadows, the menu element for example. The problem originates from there.If i decrease the dimensions(of the menu element for example,#menutop), the shadows are "eaten away", but in the same time the "gap" problem diminishes. I am still trying to find a workaround.

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