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Appending To The End Of Url


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Hey all! This is my working jquery line right now... $("#name").text($(my_name).text()); This takes the value of my_name and puts it in a div with the id of name. Great.... But now I am looking for away to append it to the end of a url like so.... $('#name').load('handle.php?name='+ my_name); This above doesn't work. I am just trying hard to figure out how I can get the value that goes into the DIV to instead be placed as text at the end of a url to be processed by my script. Thanks any help would be appreciated!

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I figured it out. The reason it was confusing was there was a mysterious amount of whitespace on the front of the string that I had to eliminate... Here's my final solution. var name = $.trim($(my_name).text().substr(10).replace(/ /g,'%20'));$("#name").load('handle.php?name='+name);

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