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Page Within A Page Without Directing Outside Of That Page


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Is it possible to stop a page within a page from sending you to the internal pages page? So, you have your main page, page 1. which inside contains page 2. Inside page 2 there are links which you can use to navigate, however when you right click a link inside page 2 and click open in new tab/window, it opens page 2 alone without being inside page 1 is it possible to have it so it keeps inside page 1 when you open it in a new tab/window? any help is much appreciated

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sorry, i mean within a frame, when you use links within that frame; if you were to choose open in new tab or window, if takes the page your navigating to,, and displays it on its own, without the page the frame was in being carried over too is it possible to keep it within the frame at all times? having trouble explaining what i mean >.<

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No. It's a usability feature. The users should always be the one to decide where they want the links to open. Wouldn't you be annoyed if you selected "open in a new window" on a link and it stayed in the same place instead?

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I think he is wanting it so that when you open a new window, it should open the link in a new window in the context of the current frame (i.e. the current page would be the base of the new window). basically it should just copy the current page in the new window, but with the link defining the actual content inside said frame/window.

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