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Style colour issue

Jack McKalling

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For the record - Anchors are allowed in a legend aren't they?I tried to give the anchors within certain legends a (background-)color, but instead, I see only the background color of the fieldset :) If you please would have a look at this (Dutch) page:http://dhost.info/profmemberone/Pages/FunLinks.phpIn th elower right corner there is the empty fieldset with legend saying "Statistieken". Next to the word you can see an odd little "2", but I intended to give this link the same backgroundcolour as the legend it is in, and as you (maybe not) see, it isn't.My stylesheet can be found here:http://dhost.info/profmemberone/CSS/funlinks_style.php(it may look strange it is in PHP format, but it is not impossible)Look somewhere at the bottom (press ctrl+f) for "legend.statset_title a"What I also don't understand, is that the colors are not visible in this stylesheet, unlike the site pretends. They do have been specified in the program though :) It is not a big issue, but I feel terribly awful for this tiny pixel mistake, while I am a perfectionist :)

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hmmm?is there some kind of invisible "system"? or how all colors and background-colors are missing in CSS file?there is illegal background-color:; and color:; almost very many times! :)Look it with this:http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validat...links_style.phpthislegend.statset_title a { background-color:; }should be:legend.statset_title a { background-color: inherit; }orlegend.statset_title a { background-color: #808080; }orlegend.statset_title a { background-color: red; }but not this:legend.statset_title a { background-color:; }that will do big error and CSS will be dropped:

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Darn, stupid me!!I forgot to add the required GET variables, sorry :)But that doesn't get away the visual 'error' on the page.Do have a look at THIS one:http://dhost.info/profmemberone/CSS/funlinks_style.php?act=site&skin=orange(for the record, this way the actual colors remain secret when advanced visitors view just the stylesheet, but forget those vars)There is a slightly differ in the background of the "2"-link next to the word "Statistieken" (Dutch for statistics, but you already noticed)

Edited by Dan The Prof
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