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Targeting A Text Node


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I want to target a specific text node and wrap it in a p tag. The text node is contained in an element with class name calendar. This text node is just the output of getMonth method.(November), here is the code i used:

$('.calendar').contents().filter(function() {  return this.nodeType == 3;}).wrap('<p class="month"/>')

The problem is that 2 text nodes get the class month, the one has in it the month and the other is empty:

<p class="month">November</p><p class="month"></p>

How i must code that the outcome is only one p class, with the month in it-i do not want a second p class. Obviously, in that place the DOM has 2 text nodes(i do not now why this happens).As such, It is logical to have such an outcome. So how i must do it.

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On second thought, another approach is to target all the empty p nodes for removal-<p class="month"></p>, the code to remove the preceding is this:


The above does not work though, and i cannot figure why.

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Here are 2 code segments that might help, the first one is from Firebug DOM tab and the second from the html:

textContent"\n \n \n"

The above is what is contained in the <p class="month"></p> elementaccording to the DOM tab in firebug.

<div class="calendar"><p class="month">November</p><p class="month"></p><table border="1" width="200">    <tbody><tr></table><p class="month"></p></div>

As you see, above(HTML) there are 2 p empty nodes having class month, i just want these removed.

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Unfortunately, I still don't have enough information. I could make some guesses, though. You could try to make sure that a node has more than just whitespace like this:

return  (this.nodeType == 3 && /[^\s\t\r\n]/.match(this.nodeValue));

If it's possible, upload a working example of the problem.

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Ok i am going to add some more information so we can get at the bottom of this, hopefully:

$('.calendar').contents().filter(function() {  return this.nodeType == 3;}).wrap('<p class="month"/>');

The above code gets the text nodes inside .calendar and wraps them in p tags. And the code that follows is what it was before the above operation:

<div class="calendar">November<table width="200" border="1"></div>

The "November" you see is output from a getMonth method. I want to wrap in p tag the month. Now i am thinking it over again.Maybe when using the .contents method of jQyery i should aim solely for the month and not the text nodes in general and i would need some help about how to code that. What do you think?

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Here is what i tried and worked:


I am not over though, there are still p tags that just have white space in them and newlines as is thecase above.

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