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Js Chat System Questions


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Hiya,New to website design and Javascript but not doing too bad at it I think. So making a site for fun when I think "It needs a chat system". Ok fair enough... Ill just look it up on google... Harder then I thought.Finally found soure code I could use as my own. The following site is where I got it from: http://www.pubnub.co...e-web-apps-easy This site said ten lines of JS coding... yeah ok cool. I put it in. Nope... used an external (their own) site JS file. So i get that too.. change the html link for the JS file and done!! My chat doesnt show up on the example site Pubnub. Now that you (The reader) is filled in on the details... My questions:1) The JS still calles an external website... and the JS code file is sooo messed up that i cant figure it out myself. Any help with that? Where someone could read it themself or a program to clean it up? I tried a website to clean up the code and the enter button (how to send chat) didnt work. SO I have left it as it is. 2) My website is: http://www.freedom.heliohost.org/ - Site is still being... constructed.If you click CHAT at the top right (maybe top left latter) you will see what looks like some options (colour options and an input box). The chat system doesnt have username or font/colour options and I was hoping on learning how to 1) add a username to the chat of a user who types in the input box. 2) Add colour and font options the text of that user chatting.I am assuming you can view the source code... if not ill post it up. I am open to a completely new system that does allow these points if what i am asking is too hard. Like a login screen (just a username) and font/colour options. And when I have completed a working chat system that isnt too hard to set up and custermize I'll share the sourse code.

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I can't see from your site where you are using their code. are you still trying to use pubnub or something else? All your script/css files point to 404's.

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