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Facebook Question


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Here is a question that spins in my mind this period. Do you consider facebook a web application(in the broad sense of the term)?

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Well from my understanding and I could be wrong.. I was under the impression that any website that performs certain tasks or functions etc, is considered a web app. So imo, facebook is a web app. With facebook, when you're on it, you are performing many tasks like uploading pictures, comments, inserting data about yourself, etc. I was also under the impression that if you "program" a website like how many do with PHP etc, that website can be considered a web app; dynamic websites. Static websites can't really be considered a web app. They perform no functions or task really, just display information.Not trying to make facebook look 'cool', but imo it can be considered one of the 'state of the art' websites that includes almost all web technologies out there. This forum as well, but facebook is very complex.

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