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Font Family Question


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In the font-family property we can declare as a last fallback a generic family font name. The question is, when the browser chooses from that family, which font will it choose after all, why it will choose for example a font and not b? My q is based on the assumption(i an mot sure for that) that the PC will have 2 or more generic family fonts installed on it and that the choice the browser will make will depend on that font collection. I hope i was clear.

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Lets see if I can help. If you have it set like this font-family {a,b,c,d,e,f,g} the browser will choose the first available font or font family, but in the order you entered it. So like this...Browser: "Hey System Fonts! Do you got font A?"System Fonts: "No, next!"Browser: "How about font B?"System Fonts: "Sure do, here you go"Browser: "Thanks" *Displays webpage with font B* Every system will have different fonts, every system can also decide for itself how it wants to display fonts. The best you can do is order the fonts from what you prefer to what most likely everyone will have. Hope that clears it up.

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When the browser requests one of the generic fonts, the system will give it the default font of that type. There aren't two or more defaults, just one.
That is what i was expecting to here. So, -and correct me if i am wrong- if 2 PCs run windows 7 for example, am i correct to assume that these 2 will have the same default font? Is there sth else, apart the OS, that dictates the default font of a PC? DarkxPunk, thanks also for your info.
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