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Closing/opening Brackets


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Look at the following code:

if (!isset($_REQUEST["month"])) $_REQUEST["month"] = date("n");

According to the author if the month is not "requested"(not passed to the request superglobal array by a user input) it will default to date("n")-the "request" array. My q is the following, since this is an if statement shouldn't this piece of code:

$_REQUEST["month"] = date("n");

be enclosed in brackets{}? Thanks.

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it doesn't need curly braces because it is only one statement.

if (!isset($_REQUEST["month"]))  $_REQUEST["month"] = date("n");

if you added a second statement then you would get an error and would need to enlose them all with the curly braces.

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It wouldn't be an error, it would only include the first line in the if statement and the second line would always be executed. If you have any control structure, like a loop, conditional, etc, and the body contains multiple lines then you need the brackets. If you leave out the brackets then it assumes that the body only contains one line.

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Thanks for the valuable info-i really did not know that.

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