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Carriage Returns


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I have been scratching my head on how to put a carriage return in a simple text file. I finally went to the php fputcsv example: $list = array("Peter,Griffin,Oslo,Norway","Glenn,Quagmire,Oslo,Norway",);$file = fopen("contacts.csv","w");foreach ($list as $line) { fputcsv($file,split(',',$line)); }fclose($file); This says that the result should be: Peter,Griffin,Oslo,NorwayGlenn,Quagmire,Oslo,Norway But my file comes out: Peter,Griffin,Oslo,NorwayGlenn,Quagmire,Oslo,Norway How did they do that?

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It icomes out that it is using line feed (\n) for each row. It is showing properly if you open it in notepad++,open office, MS excel. They somehow inpret the new line where notepad did not. i belive you used notepad to open that csv file? in windows the new line need to be CR+LF to get a new line where in unix the new line is LF (line feed). If you open the csv file any hex editor you can locate the line feed as value 0a

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