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attachEvent question

Don E

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I have an event listener like so(this is the internet explorer segment of the code):

arrange.attachEvent("onclick", displayArrange);

...and then in the displayArrange function.. I have this:

this.className = "on";

It's suppose to take what the arrange element is, which is a span tag and set a class to it called 'on'. It works in all browsers but in IE8, it doesn't. Everything gets ran properly but the class(styling) isn't being set to the element which is the span tag. Maybe.. in IE8.. the keyword this doesn't work? I was also thinking maybe it's the styling that's being applied and that IE8 doesn't render it, but I don't think so. Perhaps it is.. Here's the styling for class 'on':

    background: url("../images/tabsbg.gif") repeat-x scroll 0pt 0pt transparent;	 border-color: #D7DBDC #D7DBDC -moz-use-text-color;	 border-style: solid solid none;	 border-width: 1px 1px medium;	 color: #666666;	 font-weight: bold;

I appreciate the input. Thanks.

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