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Hi i have 2 questions 1 about my login stuff and another a tutorial submiton thing thats basicly a blog ok qustion 1 , 2 thigs about qustion 1 when people login it go's to a blank page,and when someones signed in and there viewing my front page insted of login here i want it to say you are signin as "blobloblo" and my last question is with my submition thing i have an html form calles enter.html ware you type in all the stuff and then it gose to my php file enter.php and then go's to my submitions page but when it gets to my submition page its sumost to post it but it dustint post can you guys send me some code or help me plz. :)

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Ok, so do you have the login sessions worked out then?if you use sessions, do this:

<?phpif(!isset($_SESSION[username]) or !isset($_SESSION[password])){include("filewithform.html");}else{include("yourhomepage.html");}?>

if you use cookies, replace $_SESSION with $_COOKIES.LG

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Good lord man, first of all, you need to use puncuation (you know, periods and commas) to break up your post, and some line breaks wouldn't hurt either. Your entire post is one rambling sentence, and it's not easy to understand.Second: the word is "submission". I tried to copy and paste that text into Word to run a spell check on it but Word just exploded and refuses to do anything else or deallocate its memory until I apologize. Also, the word is "goes", as in "the bus goes down the street", not "go's" or "gose".Read this thread, it's about your first problem: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=4138It covers the topic of changing a login form with a welcome message. I have no idea what you're talking about for the second problem, I don't understand what the issue is.

its sumost to post it but it dustint post
I think you mean "it's supposed to post it but it doesn't post".
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