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Use python for web programming


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While Java is an option, it's not the most popular one. You can use any language on the server-side as long as the server is set up for it. There is no recommended language for the server side.

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There is a difference between "Java" and "JavaScript".JavaScript is pretty much the only game in town when it comes to client side scripting. If you want something to happen when the mouse is moved, when a key is pressed, when the window is resized, when a form field is filled (without the press of a submit button that is), JavaScript is pretty much the only way to do that.When it comes to server scripting - the thing that happens between the click of a link or form submission (or refresh of a page; basically, anything that leaves your browser screen blank for a moment) and the display of the new page - you can use Java, Python, PHP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, Ruby or whatever else your server is configured for.

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