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Hey guys. Hope everyone here had a great 4th of July holiday! I am building an internal site that of course is only accessible via intranet. Its primary coding is very simple. Its HTML based with some Javascript and some VBScript. I will be honest. I am not an expert programmer by any means. So here is the issue. We have no access to the server logs as we do not admin the logs nor are we allowed to request them. We are basically borrowing the space. My management wants to have each page, when accessed or clicked on (either one) to log the hit to a csv file and a txt file saved on the server. I know a lot of people dont think VBScript is the way to go. This is what is needed in each column in the log: Date\Time stamp \ Hostname \ NT Login \ Page that was loaded We are in a Windows XP\7 Environment. We know this server supports IIS. We are also currently using SSI for our DHMTL menu. I was hoping someone could help me use the DHTML menu as an "onclick" so that any option clicked on the menu by the client would log the above information to a specific file. We are very limited on the access we have on the server. I am not very skilled in VBS at all and this is simply a last minute side project they want to test out. So if someone could help me with this that would be excellent. Thank you in advance.

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