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records in DB can not be updated


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I used a select statement and found a record in DB, When I tried to update the record, returned 0 rows and not updated. Here is the code. Please help.$query="SELECT classtype,startdate,enddate,classstatus from class where classname = '$classnameval'"; $result = mysql_query($query); echo "select class sql $query</br>"; $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if (!$num_rows) { echo nl2br("Class $classname not in DB\n"); goto bye; } if ($result) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $classtypeo = $row['classtype']; $classstatuso = $row['classstatus']; $sdateo = $row['startdate']; $edateo = $row['enddate']; echo "<h2>Class '$classname' found</h2>\n";var_dump($classstatuso,$sdateo,$edateo,$classtypeo); } else { echo "<h2>Sorry, unable to change class $classname </h2>\n"; goto bye; }var_dump($classstatusval,$sdate,$edate,$classtype); if ($classstatusval == '') $classstatusval = $classstatuso; if ($classtype == '') $classtype = $classtypeo; if ($edate == '') $edate = $edateo; if ($sdate == '') $sdate = $sdateo; $query="UPDATE class SET classstatus = '$classstatusval', startdate = '$sdate', enddate = '$edate', classtype = '$classtype', where classname = '$classnameval'"; $result = mysql_query($query); echo "update class sql $query</br>"; $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if (!$num_rows)// if (!$mysql_num_rows($result)) { echo nl2br("Class $classname not in DB\n"); goto bye; }

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I changed code to use mysql_affected_rows(), it should 0 rows affected. The search Key on Update SQL is exactly the same key on SELECT SQL. I am still puzzled why Update did not update. No SQL_error though. just no update.

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No SQL_error though. just no update.
you did not add mysqli_error(). and you are not checking the result resource. you shoukd do that both to debug.
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Enjoyed the comics. Yes goto should be discouraged to use, but there are times it is the simplest thing and the right thing to do. Can you share what the unexpected result might be?

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I'll agree that it can sometimes be the "simplest" thing to do, but I don't agree that it's ever the "right" thing to do. It's a little heavy-handed, it's not very elegant. The problem with using goto is that you can end up with spaghetti code that is difficult to both maintain and debug.

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