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static declaration in given parameter


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in the following post, I have the code:

										 				// Also frequently called "Container"				class IoC {				   /**					* @var PDO The connection to the database					*/				   protected $db;				 				   /**					* Create a new instance of Photo and set dependencies.					*/				   public static newPhoto()				   {					  $photo = new Photo;					  $photo->setDB(static::$db);					  // $photo->setConfig();					  // $photo->setResponse();				 					  return $photo;				   }				}				 				$photo = IoC::newPhoto();

in one of the line it call a function and declare a parameter as static.


what is the meaning of the static before the name of the parameter, I mean what is the defirrent their code in line 14 and the following code:$photo->setDB($db); because I don't understand what is the meaning of saying somethign is static when you give it as parameter.

Edited by programAngel
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if you inherit IoC and change the value of property $db, the value of property $db of inherited class will be resolved, if you use static::$db you can read more about "late static binding" http://in2.php.net/m...ic-bindings.php here

Edited by birbal
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PHP isn't like other languages (e.g. JavaScript, C#, C++, etc.) where the scope is automatically expanded when something is missing from the current scope.If you have


then $db will be referring to a variable declared within the current function/method, while


refers to a variable/property declared within the class, and NOT within the current function/method.If you're instead asking about the difference between self::$db and static::$db... birbal already clarified that one.BTW, for this code to work without any notices, you should be using

protected static $db;


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