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getting the client Ip


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I am trying to get the client IP using the following code:

$ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];echo "<b>IP Address= $ip</b>";

The only the gets printed to the browser though is this:IP Address=::1 I am developing locally and as such the IP is believe this is that should beprinted in the browser.

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Yes that is why you're seeing that because of developing locally. Try making your server accessible from outside connections, then using another ISP, like a friends or cafe... or your mobile phone if you have one using the carriers connection(not wifi because it may connect to your local home wireless connection if you have one), you should see the actual IP address when using the above.

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Is there a way that I can bypass the problem and the local IP be printed in the browser. I am not doing it for experimentation purposes-I am developing an application in whichthe IP of the client has to be inserted into a table.

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