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Google Chrome problem


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The first thing you have to do is make sure that your page is valid HTML.http://validator.w3.org/ The first and biggest problem is the lack of a document type declaration.

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Notepad is OK, but a color-coded editor is better. There are many of them and each person will suggest a different one. Personally, I use Notepad++ http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ Browsers render websites differently depending on the document type declaration (<!DOCTYPE> tag). If the DOCTYPE is missing or wrong then the browser will use an old rendering engine that does not follow the W3C standards. Each browser has their own way of doing this so the page will look very different between different browsers. When the DOCTYPE is correct, browsers should generally render the page the same with only minimal differences. You should use the W3C validator on your pages to look for HTML errors. The link I gave you in my previous post is important.

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