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MP4 Videos


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I've searched and tried out many different variations of code attempting to put up an MP4 video file onto my webpage, but I can't seem to manage it for compatability with different browsers, among other issues. What's a good way of doing it, javascript? I want to make it as good quality as possible, compatible with most if not all browsers, autoplay and have the option of removing the controls. Also is it possible to resize a video by aspect ratio on the webpage, I mean would that result in better quality rather than rendering the video out and cutting it to that size?

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I don't know much about this, however you can dowload certain players that use CSS without use of javascript required for easy playback. Flash is required. Here is a website with a free and open source player: http://flowplayer.org/

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A good technique is to use the HTML 5 <video> tag with fallback to flash.The structure would be similar to this:

<video>    <object>	    You need an HTML 5 compliant browser or the Flash plug-in to view this content.    </object></video>

Look up the <video> tag in the HTML 5 reference, and search for the Flash-Satay method to learn how to use the <object> tag for Flash.

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