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Having trouble echoing from database


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At the top of my file I have:

  session_start();$Email = $_SESSION['email_address'];   mysql_connect ("localhost","root" ,"####") or die ('error: ' . mysql_error());  mysql_select_db ("accounts");    $selectProject = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $Email") or die(mysql_error());  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($selectProject))    {   $Name = $row ['Name'];    }

Further down the file I'm trying to echo $Name, but nothings appearing, and I'm not getting any errors

	  <?php	 	   echo ($Name);		 	  ?>

Any idea where I'm going wrong?

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$Email is just letters, no symbols. It's not actually an email address, for testing, $Email's value is "Test" in the database. It only just crossed my mind to try it with "Test" instead of $Email, which does work. I know $Email is holding "Test", so is "SELECT * FROM $Email" the wrong way to write it?

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It's fine to write it like that. It sounds like $Email doesn't contain what you think it does. Print out that query if you want to verify it. Also note that $Name is going to contain the value from the last row in that table, in whatever order the database returns them. Maybe that value is blank.

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