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How to create object array in php


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Hello Everyone, I have to create object array for my userdefine class. In c++ when we create class and we want to create object array then we simply do by following statement. // My class in c++ class MyClass { public: int iVal;} if we want to create object array you do like that in c++ MyClass obj[5]; In this we create 5 object of class MyClass. I want to do same thing in php. Thanks and Regards,Antrikssh...

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there is a PHP forum for PHP questions. The Web Server forum is probably not the best place. Also, there are tutorials for PHP, of which there are topics specific to arrays.http://www.w3schools.../php_arrays.asp Without getting into the detail of classes in PHP. a simple way to push items to an array in PHP would be something like this.

$objects = array(); $objects[] = new MyClass();$objects[] = new MyClass();$objects[] = new MyClass();$objects[] = new MyClass();$objects[] = new MyClass(); echo count($objects) . ' made';  //5 objects made //use any object$objects[0]->someMethod();$objects[1]->someMethod();etc

Edited by thescientist
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Hello Sir, Yes you are right, I have post wrong topic on wrong place. I have to post this post on php question related section not in web server section. I apologies for this. But sir method that you describe is array of object not the object array. We do the same thing that you done in yor post like $object = array();for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {$object = new MyClass();} after this we will get the same thing that you got array of 5 object. which is not my requirment. Thanks and Regards,Antrikssh....

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your example is just going to constantly overwrite $object. secondly, the point I was trying to make is that you can't do what you want in PHP. Thirdly, just ask a moderator to move your post. There is no reason to make two posts.http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=45497

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hi, Yes you are right i made a mistake in my example i.e (1)$object = array();for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {$object = new MyClass();} (2) How I will delete my one post and how I will communicate with the moderator.plz help me

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if you hover over a post, a report link will appear that will let you send a message to the moderators. I already sent them one for now.

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I moved the topic. But I don't understand exactly what you want. An "object array" really is just an array of objects. The only difference is that the objects are forced to be of only one type.

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