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validating the phone field


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Do you think that validating the phone field of a form falls under the title "checking user authentication"? Or user authentication has to do primarily with passwords and usernames.I am at a point where my application becomes large and I need to separate functions used in to different files. Each files must have functions that more or less serve similar purpose-and the name of the file will be abiding by this rule. I think that such a function it will be best to fall under the functions that has to do with the database. The nature of my question has to do purely with the organization of the code.

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Why not swithching to OOP from modular programming? this is the purpose of it. There is also "Programming Design patterns" which also helps with organizing codes and managing codes. You may also look into namspaces too.

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I have progressed too much in the development of my app to switch to OOP.Doing so, will delay my task and force to make major code revisions. I do intend making the app more OOP in the future but now,since I started with modular programming I think it is better finishing that way.Furthermore, I am not so experienced in OOP.

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