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HTML Strict


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Hello, I'm working on a site for school and it is supposed to meet the html 5 strict requirements. I was using an <audio> tag but that does not meet the requirements. So, my question is how do I add background music that will meet the requirements? Thanks.

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I am pretty sure, but I only started on this last week. This is my Doctype

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

My audio tag

<audio src="audio/cloudburn.mp3" controls>

and the error message.

Errors found while checking this document as XHTML 1.0 Strict!Line 16, Column 89: element "audio" undefinedLine 16, Column 89: "controls" is not a member of a group specified for any attributeLine 16, Column 59: there is no attribute "src"

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Yeah I understand that but for the class I am this doctype is required. Any suggestions about the audio tag?
Hello, I'm working on a site for school and it is supposed to meet the html 5 strict requirements. I was using an <audio> tag but that does not meet the requirements. So, my question is how do I add background music that will meet the requirements? Thanks.
simply, it can't be both then. it's either the HTML5 DTD, or it is another DTD, which won't support the audio tag. Doesn't get much more cut and dry than that. Edited by thescientist
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Well, someone is confused. You posted an XHTML 1 doctype. Is your teacher calling it an HTML5 doctype? Also, there is no such thing as strict HTML5. Rather, there is only strict, so strict is never specified.

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It sounds like your professor is not very knowledgable. XHTML is an old standard which is becoming obsolete.
Time does fly on the Internet. I teach at a community college. I encounter professors and high school teachers all the time who haven't updated their skillset in 5-10 years. Tag names in all caps. Obsolete attributes. Font tags. My school's homepage uses a transitional doctype. It's humiliating. Obviously there are good teachers out there, but you need to watch out.
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