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Firefox vs Chrome


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Okay so i'm having some problems with my site. First of all when looking with chrome its all perfect,but when I used new FireFox to browse my site I noticed that "float:left" does not work in FF. Take a look.I'm sure that this can be fixed I'm just not still sure how :SPlease help,Thanks :)

Edited by Morsusy2k
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Thanks! That worked! Next thing is i cant stretch my footer (black line on the bottom) from side to side,there is always like 10px left on both sides,i managed to make it work on the one on very top of the page but i cant make this one work..

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Wow. You've bent over backwards a lot more than you needed to. First problem, by default the body element has padding or margin, depending on the vendor. You should always set that to 0. In fact, most of us set the padding and margin of all elements to 0, like this:

* {   padding: 0;   margin: 0;}

That way, when you need padding or margin, set it yourself, and you know exactly what you're getting. With that fixed, don't set the width of your topbar to 100%, and don't set its position, top, or bottom AT ALL. Same with the bottom bar. See if just doing that fixes your problem.

Edited by Deirdre's Dad
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It fixes the problem but it makes a new one :SAll my ul and li css is not shown:Before:http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/2699/69633783.jpg After:http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/2464/88473539.jpg And other thing is that its overlapping with the div on top of it as you can see,i need it under it.Thanks for helping.

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