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How to display certain rows ?


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Hi,I dont know how to code to display a certain rows dynamically depending on user's selection. The scenario is like this; when user select value 3, track that having value 3 will be displayed.My rows are created using innerHTML. I dont have idea how to work around with this code. Pls help.

<body ><p>Table of Contents</p>View by Track:<select>  <option value="0">--Choose--</option>  <option value="1">1-XX</option>  <option value="2">2-XX</option>  <option value="3">3-XX</option>  <option value="4">4-XX</option>  <option value="5">5-XX</option> </select></p><table border="1" >  <tr>    <th>Ref. No.</th><th>Track</th>    <th>Title</th>  </tr>  <tbody id="CONTENT"><div id="SHOW"></div>  <script type="text/javascript">  createRows('SHOW');</script>  </tbody></table></body>

function createRows() //to create rows using innerHTML{var tbody = document.getElementById("CONTENT"); //tbody = your table bodytbody.innerHTML = ""; //empty table bodyfor (i=1; i<=73; i++) {  tr = tbody.insertRow(-1); //append a row in table body  td = tr.insertCell(-1); td.innerHTML = referenceNo(i); //ref. no  td = tr.insertCell(-1); td.innerHTML = trackNo(i);  //track  td = tr.insertCell(-1); td.innerHTML = getTitle(i); //title and link}}

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Just add an if statement into your for loop to check for the condition you're looking for before creating the row. If you want to test trackNo, then get the trackNo first for that row and use an if statement to check if it's the correct number. You'll also need to add a handler for your select element so that when the value changes it runs the createRows function, and the createRows function can get the selected value from the select element to see which rows to show.

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Try to put a filter in for loop. If select option is 0, it will display all the data.I code like below. But all the data were not displayed at all. Why?

<body ><p>Table of Contents</p>View by Track:<select id="TRACK" onchange="createRows()">  <option value="0">--Choose--</option>  <option value="1">1-Islamic Finance</option>  <option value="2">2-Accounting</option>  <option value="3">3-Management & Marketing</option>  <option value="4">4-Finance & Economic</option>  <option value="5">5-Business</option></select></p><table border="1" >  <tr>	<th>Ref. No.</th><th>Track</th>	<th>Title</th>  </tr>  <tbody id="CONTENT"><div id="SHOW"></div>  <!--<script type="text/javascript">  createRows('SHOW');--></script>  </tbody></table></body>

function createRows() //to create rows using innerHTML{var tbody = document.getElementById("CONTENT"); //tbody = your table bodytbody.innerHTML = ""; //empty table body    for (i=1; i<=73; i++)  {   if (document.getElementByID("TRACK").selectedIndex == 0 )   {	tr = tbody.insertRow(-1); //append a row in table body	td = tr.insertCell(-1); td.innerHTML = referenceNo(i); //ref. no	td = tr.insertCell(-1); td.innerHTML = trackNo(i);  //track	td = tr.insertCell(-1); td.innerHTML = getTitle(i); //title and link   }  }}

Edited by Jangrina
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