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entering data in the db


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When I put data into the db I always use the real_escape_string function for security purposes. Is there a need to do something similar when I SELECT data from the db? Are there any security issues to consider in the above scenario?

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mysql_real_escape_string for an insert query isn't really about security, it's about making sure the data gets inserted accurately. As far as security goes when you're dealing with displaying user-submitted data, that's part of what OWASP is about: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Main_Pagehttps://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cheat_Sheets

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Is it correct to pass mysql_real_escape_string to variable like$year =mysql_real_escape_string( trim($_POST['year'])); or correct to use it in query like bellow$year =( trim($_POST['year'])); $sql = "INSERT INTO table (year) values ( . mysql_real_escape_string($value) .)

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