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Problem with Gallery View Slideshow


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hello I download a javascript photo gallery(lightbox) and use my web but it`ve problem.this problem is: No pictures and buttons below the picture box is not displayed.Like the picture belowwhy?how do i? What I do is right. please help me.

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You might be missing those files, or you're pointing them to the wrong place, or the slideshow isn't configured like you want it to be. Most things like that have options that you can set how they work. If you want to check for missing files, open your browser's developer tools (Ctrl-Shift-I in Chrome) and check the Network tab for things in red.

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its also really hard to help without seeing any of the code, or knowing which lightbox script you are using, or what you have done or tried. In general, for this and all future posts, please provide as much detail as possible that is most relevant to your issue if you want the best help.

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