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I am in the stage where I want to build a mailer for a web app.It will be very simple(for now), the user will be able to see its mails, answer etc... Nonetheless I have no idea from where to start. Of course I know to use the PHP mail function...but from there I am little in the dark. So, is there something I must take extra care when building a mailer.Of course I know the mail function... Is it a lot of code to build a simple mailer?

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Ι am talking about such as the messages you can send through facebook.You send, you receive and you see also a list with the messages sent,archiving them.maybe some more features...But NOT something complicated as outlook for example. I do not think it requires much coding...Mostly what puzzles me is how am I going to organize the tables in the database(I will make a separate topic about that in the MySQL forum).

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We're in the SQL forum. It's a similar structure to any other type of messaging system or posting system. Obviously a table for the messages themselves with the relevant data about the message, including who it's to and from.

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We're in the SQL forum.
:Shock: :Shock: :Shock:
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And something else...do you think I should make it work also in PHP, or only in js(AJAX etc)?

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You have to use PHP, you can't do all of that with Javascript.
Ι suppose I will use PHP to store the mails with the relevant details in the database and ajax to make the calls. Am I correct?Just want to hear what you think?
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